बैंक अपनी सभी शाखाओ पर नियंत्रण रखने के लिए एक मुख्यालय रखते हैं, यही से बैंको की सभी शाखाओ कों दिशा-निर्देश जारी होते हैं, आइए जानते है कुछ युक्तियाँ जिनके माध्यम से आप आसानी से विभिन्न बैंको के मुख्यालयों कों याद रख सकते हैं –
क्रम | युक्ति | बैंक | मुख्यालय |
1 | OF INDIA | State Bank of India | मुंबई(Mumbai) |
2 | OF INDIA | Bank of India | मुंबई(Mumbai) |
3 | OF INDIA | Central Bank of India | मुंबई(Mumbai) |
4 | OF INDIA | Union Bank of India | मुंबई(Mumbai) |
5 | OF INDIA | IDBI (Industrial Development bank of India) | मुंबई(Mumbai) |
6 | – | Dena Bank
(This bank don’t have ‘of india’ at last but its Headquarter is in Mumbai) |
मुंबई(Mumbai) |
* | OF INDIA | Reserve of India | मुंबई(Mumbai) |
* | OF INDIA | Security & Exchange Board of India | मुंबई(Mumbai) |
क्रम | युक्ति | बैंक | मुख्यालय |
1 | Punjabi | Punjab National Bank | नई दिल्ली(New Delhi) |
2 | Punjabi | Punjab & Sindh Bank | नई दिल्ली(New Delhi) |
3 | Girls | Bharitya MAHILA Bank | नई दिल्ली(New Delhi) |
4 | Commerce | Oriental Bank of commerce | नई दिल्ली(New Delhi) |
क्रम | युक्ति | बैंक | मुख्यालय |
1 | Allahabad | Allahabad Bank | कोलकाता(Kolkata ) |
2 | United | United Commercial Bank | कोलकाता(Kolkata ) |
3 | United | United Bank of India | कोलकाता(Kolkata ) |
क्रम | युक्ति | बैंक | मुख्यालय |
1 | Vijay | Vijaya Bank | बंगलोर(Bangalore) |
2 | Can | Canara Bank | बंगलोर(Bangalore) |
क्रम | युक्ति | बैंक | मुख्यालय |
1 | Indian | Indian overseas Bank | चेन्नई(Chennai) |
2 | Indian | Indian Bank | चेन्नई(Chennai) |
क्रम | युक्ति | बैंक | मुख्यालय |
1 | म्हारो | Bank of Maharashtra | Pune |
2 | अन्धो | Andhra Bank | Hyderabad |
3 | पति |
State Bank of Patiala | Patiala |
4 | ताव | State Bank of Travancore | Thiruvananthapuram |
5 | हैदर | State Bank of Hyderabad | Hyderabad |
6 | मसूर | State Bank of Mysore | Bengalooru |
6 | बोरा | Bank of Baroda | Baroda |
6 | बिका | State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur | Jaipur |
- Syndicate Bank – Manipal
- Corporation Bank – Mangalore
इस समय कुल 27 सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंक हैं, जिनमे 19 राष्ट्रीय कृत हैं |
सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के राष्ट्रीयकृत बैंक-
Allahabad Bank
Andhra Bank
Bank of Baroda
Bank of India
Bank of Maharashtra
Canara Bank
Central Bank of India
Corporation Bank
Dena Bank
Indian Bank
Indian Overseas Bank
Oriental Bank of Commerce
Punjab & Sind Bank
Punjab National Bank
Syndicate Bank
UCO Bank
Union Bank of India
United Bank of India
Vijaya Bank
सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंक जो कि राष्ट्रीयकृत नहीं हैं-
- State Bank of India
- State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
- State Bank of Hyderabad
- State Bank of Mysore
- State Bank of Travancore
- State Bank of Patiala
- Bhartiya Mahila Bank
SBI क्यों राष्ट्रीयकृत नहीं हैं-
eople often get confused about whether SBI is a nationalized bank or not. SBI is NOT a Nationalized bank. It is a Public Sector Bank. Actually, SBI draws power from State Bank of India Act, 1955. Nationalized banks are the banks which were nationalized in two phases – in 1969 and 1980. These banks were established under Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Acts, 1970 and 1980. So, these banks are governed by their respective statutes. In 1969, 14 Commercial banks were nationalized and in 1980, 6 more banks were nationalized. But, later in 1993, PNB and New India bank got merged taking the figure of nationalized banks to 19. Now, couple of interesting question comes to our mind while we talk about nationalization of Banks, we’ll try and answer these questions.
Why SBI was not nationalized during the waves of Nationalization of Banks in 1969 and 1980? SBI was already under State control in 1969/1980, vide SBI Act, 1955. So, there was no need of Nationalization of State Bank of India. Banks which were nationalized in 1969/1980 were either owned by private business groups or individual investors.
क्यों हुआ बैंको का राष्ट्रीयकरण-
- To raise public confidence in Banking system
- Expansion of banking facilities in a uniform manner
- Provide banking facility in rural and sub-urban areas
- Sought to end the monopoly control of big industrialists upon the banking system
- Aimed at giving more credit to priority sectors
- To reduce regional economic inequalities
- To ensure enough development funds for the planned growth of the country